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FlipPage Identity&App

Branding/Design Strategy and Marketing

FlipPage is a mobile application that offers users a platform to read, communicate and train themselves a good reading habit. In the interview stage at the beginning of this project, I realized that today people tended to read less and less and instead of paper book, people prefer digital books for a lot of reasons. So the purpose of FlipPage is to help people maintain reading, as the slogan says, bring your reading habits back.

Services offered by FlipPage include a digital library, an online book club and a rewarding system that also tracks users reading progression. It offers regular monthly plan and education plan, so users can no longer worry about their budget for books. The reward system can benefit users and help them keep reading.

The audience for this application are college students and young professionals. It was imagined to be launched in UCLA campus and later more schools in California, so we can say the audience in the first stage are college students in California.




Brand Film

Below are the business proposal slides for FlipPage App, introducing the painpoints of the audience and talking about how FlipPage is the best solution for those problems in the industry, then mentioning a rough business plan including the revenue model, development milestones and funding stats.


First Stage Pitch Deck
